Hex Bomb Logo
HEX BOMB is a punk rock dyke living in Edinburgh, Scotland. She makes sick porn art, zines, music, & more!

Join the industrial workers of the world!


The following are sample prices
intended for personal commissions.
For larger commissions & professional work,
contact me directly!

Sketch Commissions


Quick & messy, sometimes coloured or inked.
Good for if you have a small idea that you'd like to
see developed. I often draw these live on stream.

Flat Colour Pinups


A good middle-ground kinda deal. Sometimes I'll do minimal shading,
but not the level of rendering I'll do for a full colour deal.
Backgrounds are probably extra.

Full Colour Pinups


For when you want a piece of art that looks sick as hell.
Usually I charge this for standalone illustration work,
but I'll occasionally do one or two panels.
Includes full rendering, inking and colouring.

Comics & Sequences


Charged per-page at a base page rate of 120, though I will charge more if it requires a lot of detail work.
I'll often charge less for black and white work. I class transformation sequences under here, but I tend to prefer
to draw comics, as they're more dynamic, less work, and often have a more compelling narrative.

Contact me!

You can reach me for inquries at hexbombdoom [at] gmail.com...
Proper email address pending!