create ui and task loop

This commit is contained in:
glyph 2022-05-16 15:32:58 +02:00
parent 12b4165029
commit 5012910c25
11 changed files with 456 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ edition = "2021"
async-std = "1.10"
bincode = "1.3"
chrono = "0.4"
env_logger = "0.9"
golgi = { git = "" }
futures = "0.3"
#golgi = { git = "" }
golgi = { path = "../golgi" }
log = "0.4"
rocket = "0.5.0-rc.1"
rocket_dyn_templates = { version = "0.1.0-rc.1", features = ["tera"] }
serde = "1"
serde_json = "1"
sled = "0.34"

View File

@ -6,9 +6,19 @@ use std::{
use bincode::Options;
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use sled::{Db, IVec, Result, Tree};
use log::{debug, info};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sled::{Batch, Db, IVec, Result, Tree};
// The text and metadata of a Scuttlebutt root post.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Post {
pub key: String,
pub text: String,
pub date: String,
pub sequence: u64,
pub read: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct IVecString {
@ -31,54 +41,96 @@ impl From<IVec> for IVecString {
pub struct Database {
/// Stores the sled database instance.
db: Db,
/// Stores the public keys of all the feeds we are subscribed to.
feed_tree: Tree,
/// Stores the messages (content and metadata) for all the feeds we are subscribed to.
message_tree: Tree,
/// Stores the public keys of all the peers we are subscribed to.
peer_tree: Tree,
/// Stores the posts (content and metadata) for all the feeds we are subscribed to.
pub post_tree: Tree,
impl Database {
// TODO: return Result<Self> and use try operators
// implement simple custom error type
pub fn init(path: &Path) -> Self {
// Open the database at the given path.
// The database will be created if it does not yet exist.
// This code will panic if an IO error is encountered.
info!("initialising the sled database");
let db = sled::open(path).expect("failed to open database");
debug!("opening the 'feeds' database tree");
let feed_tree = db
.expect("failed to open database feeds tree");
debug!("opening the 'messages' database tree");
let message_tree = db
.expect("failed to open database messages tree");
debug!("opening the 'peers' database tree");
let peer_tree = db
.expect("failed to open database peers tree");
debug!("opening the 'posts' database tree");
let post_tree = db
.expect("failed to open database posts tree");
Database {
pub fn add_feed(&self, public_key: &str) -> Result<Option<IVec>> {
self.feed_tree.insert(&public_key, vec![0])
pub fn add_peer(&self, public_key: &str) -> Result<Option<IVec>> {
self.peer_tree.insert(&public_key, vec![0])
pub fn remove_feed(&self, public_key: &str) -> Result<Option<IVec>> {
pub fn remove_peer(&self, public_key: &str) -> Result<Option<IVec>> {
pub fn get_feeds(&self) -> Vec<String> {
pub fn get_peers(&self) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|bytes| IVecString::from(bytes.unwrap()))
.map(|ivec_string| ivec_string.string)
pub fn insert_post(&self, public_key: &str, post: Post) -> Result<Option<IVec>> {
let post_key = format!("{}_{}", public_key, post.key);
let post_bytes = bincode::serialize(&post).unwrap();
self.post_tree.insert(post_key.as_bytes(), post_bytes)
pub fn insert_post_batch(&self, public_key: &str, posts: Vec<Post>) -> Result<()> {
let mut post_batch = Batch::default();
for post in posts {
let post_key = format!("{}_{}", public_key, post.key);
let post_bytes = bincode::serialize(&post).unwrap();
post_batch.insert(post_key.as_bytes(), post_bytes)
pub fn get_posts(&self, public_key: &str) -> Result<Vec<Post>> {
let mut posts = Vec::new();
.map(|post| post.unwrap())
.for_each(|post| posts.push(bincode::deserialize(&post.1).unwrap()));
pub fn get_post(&self, public_key: &str, msg_id: &str) -> Result<Option<Post>> {
let post_key = format!("{}_{}", public_key, msg_id);
let post = self
.map(|post| bincode::deserialize(&post).unwrap());

View File

@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
mod db;
mod sbot;
mod task_loop;
mod utils;
use std::path::Path;
use std::{env, path::Path};
use async_std::{channel, channel::Sender};
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use rocket::{form::Form, get, launch, post, response::Redirect, routes, uri, FromForm, State};
use rocket::{
fs::{relative, FileServer},
get, launch, post,
routes, uri, FromForm, State,
use rocket_dyn_templates::{tera::Context, Template};
use crate::db::Database;
use crate::{db::Database, task_loop::Task};
struct Peer {
@ -16,27 +25,77 @@ struct Peer {
fn index(db: &State<Database>) -> Template {
let mut context = Context::new();
let feeds = db.get_feeds();
context.insert("feeds", &feeds);
async fn home(db: &State<Database>) -> Template {
let peers = db.get_peers();
Template::render("index", &context.into_json())
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("peers", &peers);
Template::render("home", &context.into_json())
async fn posts(db: &State<Database>, public_key: &str) -> Template {
let peers = db.get_peers();
let posts = db.get_posts(public_key).unwrap();
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("selected_peer", &public_key);
context.insert("peers", &peers);
context.insert("posts", &posts);
Template::render("home", &context.into_json())
async fn post(db: &State<Database>, public_key: &str, msg_id: &str) -> Template {
let peers = db.get_peers();
let posts = db.get_posts(public_key).unwrap();
let post = db.get_post(public_key, msg_id).unwrap();
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("selected_peer", &public_key);
context.insert("selected_post", &msg_id);
context.insert("peers", &peers);
context.insert("posts", &posts);
context.insert("post", &post);
Template::render("home", &context.into_json())
#[post("/subscribe", data = "<peer>")]
fn subscribe_form(db: &State<Database>, peer: Form<Peer>) -> Redirect {
// validate the public key
async fn subscribe_form(
db: &State<Database>,
whoami: &State<WhoAmI>,
tx: &State<Sender<Task>>,
peer: Form<Peer>,
) -> Redirect {
if let Ok(_) = utils::validate_public_key(&peer.public_key) {
debug!("public key {} is valid", &peer.public_key);
match db.add_feed(&peer.public_key) {
match db.add_peer(&peer.public_key) {
Ok(_) => {
debug!("added {} to feed tree in database", &peer.public_key);
// check if we already follow the peer
// - if not, follow the peer and create a tree for the peer
debug!("added {} to peer tree in database", &peer.public_key);
// TODO: i don't think we actually want to follow...
// we might still have the data in our ssb db, even if we don't follow
match sbot::is_following(&whoami.public_key, &peer.public_key).await {
Ok(status) if status.as_str() == "false" => {
match sbot::follow_peer(&peer.public_key).await {
Ok(_) => debug!("followed {}", &peer.public_key),
Err(e) => warn!("failed to follow {}: {}", &peer.public_key, e),
Ok(status) if status.as_str() == "true" => {
debug!("we already follow {}", &peer.public_key)
_ => (),
let peer = peer.public_key.to_string();
if let Err(e) = tx.send(Task::FetchAll(peer)).await {
warn!("task loop error: {}", e)
Err(_e) => warn!(
"failed to add {} to feed tree in database",
"failed to add {} to peer tree in database",
@ -44,7 +103,7 @@ fn subscribe_form(db: &State<Database>, peer: Form<Peer>) -> Redirect {
warn!("{} is invalid", &peer.public_key);
#[post("/unsubscribe", data = "<peer>")]
@ -53,10 +112,10 @@ fn unsubscribe_form(db: &State<Database>, peer: Form<Peer>) -> Redirect {
match utils::validate_public_key(&peer.public_key) {
Ok(_) => {
debug!("public key {} is valid", &peer.public_key);
match db.remove_feed(&peer.public_key) {
Ok(_) => debug!("removed {} from feed tree in database", &peer.public_key),
match db.remove_peer(&peer.public_key) {
Ok(_) => debug!("removed {} from peer tree in database", &peer.public_key),
Err(_e) => warn!(
"failed to remove {} from feed tree in database",
"failed to remove {} from peer tree in database",
@ -64,16 +123,42 @@ fn unsubscribe_form(db: &State<Database>, peer: Form<Peer>) -> Redirect {
Err(e) => warn!("{} is invalid: {}", &peer.public_key, e),
struct WhoAmI {
public_key: String,
fn rocket() -> _ {
async fn rocket() -> _ {
let public_key: String = sbot::whoami().await.expect("whoami sbot call failed");
let whoami = WhoAmI { public_key };
let db = Database::init(Path::new("lykin_db"));
let db_clone = db.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel::unbounded();
let tx_clone = tx.clone();
task_loop::spawn(rx, db_clone).await;
info!("launching the web server");
.mount("/", routes![index, subscribe_form, unsubscribe_form])
routes![home, subscribe_form, unsubscribe_form, posts, post],
.mount("/", FileServer::from(relative!("static")))
.attach(AdHoc::on_shutdown("cancel task loop", |_| {
Box::pin(async move {

View File

@ -1,16 +1,103 @@
// Scuttlebutt functionality.
use async_std::task;
use golgi::Sbot;
use async_std::stream::StreamExt;
use chrono::{NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, TimeZone, Utc};
use golgi::{
messages::{SsbMessageContentType, SsbMessageKVT},
GolgiError, Sbot,
use log::warn;
use serde_json::value::Value;
use crate::db::Post;
pub async fn whoami() -> Result<String, String> {
let mut sbot = Sbot::init(Keystore::Patchwork, None, None)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
sbot.whoami().await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
/// Follow a peer.
pub fn follow_peer(public_key: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
task::block_on(async {
let mut sbot_client = Sbot::init(None, None).await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
pub async fn follow_peer(public_key: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
let mut sbot = Sbot::init(Keystore::Patchwork, None, None)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
match sbot_client.follow(public_key).await {
Ok(_) => Ok("Followed peer".to_string()),
Err(e) => Err(format!("Failed to follow peer: {}", e)),
sbot.follow(public_key).await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
/// Check follow status.
/// Is peer A (`public_key_a`) following peer B (`public_key_b`)?
pub async fn is_following(public_key_a: &str, public_key_b: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
let mut sbot = Sbot::init(Keystore::Patchwork, None, None)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let query = RelationshipQuery {
source: public_key_a.to_string(),
dest: public_key_b.to_string(),
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
pub async fn get_message_stream(
public_key: &str,
) -> impl futures::Stream<Item = Result<SsbMessageKVT, GolgiError>> {
let mut sbot = Sbot::init(Keystore::Patchwork, None, None)
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
pub async fn get_root_posts(
history_stream: impl futures::Stream<Item = Result<SsbMessageKVT, GolgiError>>,
) -> Vec<Post> {
let mut posts = Vec::new();
while let Some(res) = {
match res {
Ok(msg) => {
if msg.value.is_message_type(SsbMessageContentType::Post) {
let content = msg.value.content.to_owned();
if let Value::Object(map) = content {
if !map.contains_key("root") {
let text = map.get_key_value("text").unwrap();
let timestamp_int = msg.value.timestamp.round() as i64 / 1000;
//let timestamp = Utc.timestamp(timestamp_int, 0);
let datetime = NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(timestamp_int, 0);
//let datetime = timestamp.to_rfc2822();
let date = datetime.format("%d %b %Y").to_string();
posts.push(Post {
key: msg.key.to_owned(),
text: text.1.to_string(),
sequence: msg.value.sequence,
read: false,
Err(err) => {
// Print the `GolgiError` of this element to `stderr`.
warn!("err: {:?}", err);

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
use async_std::{channel::Receiver, task};
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use crate::{db::Database, sbot};
pub enum Task {
pub async fn spawn(rx: Receiver<Task>, db: Database) {
task::spawn(async move {
while let Ok(task) = rx.recv().await {
match task {
// Fetch all messages authored by the given peer, filter
// the root posts and insert them into the peer tree of the
// database.
Task::FetchAll(peer) => {
let peer_msgs = sbot::get_message_stream(&peer).await;
let root_posts = sbot::get_root_posts(peer_msgs).await;
match db.insert_post_batch(&peer, root_posts) {
Ok(_) => debug!("inserted message batch into peer tree for {}", &peer),
Err(e) => warn!(
"failed to insert message batch into peer tree for {}: {}",
&peer, e
Task::Cancel => {
info!("exiting task loop...");

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.9 KiB

static/icons/download.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.3 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<a href="" title="download icons">Download icons created by Kiranshastry - Flaticon</a>

static/icons/read_post.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.6 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.5 KiB

templates/home.html.tera Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="lykin: an SSB tutorial application">
<meta name="author" content="glyph">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
.nav {
grid-area: nav;
border: 5px solid #19A974;
border-radius: 15px;
.peers {
grid-area: peers;
border: 5px solid #357EDD;
border-radius: 15px;
.posts {
grid-area: posts;
border: 5px solid #FF6300;
border-radius: 15px;
overflow-y: scroll;
.content {
border: 5px solid #FFD700;
border-radius: 15px;
grid-area: content;
.container {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
.flex-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: 1fr 200px 4fr;
'nav nav nav nav nav'
'peers posts posts posts posts'
'peers content content content content';
grid-gap: 10px;
padding-left: 15px;
padding-right: 15px;
padding-top: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
.grid-container > div {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
/* text-align: center; */
padding: 20px 0;
/* font-size: 30px; */
.flex-container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.flex-container > input {
margin: 5px;
a { text-decoration: none; color: black; }
<body class="container">
<a href="/"><h1 style="margin-left: 15px;">lykin</h1></a>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="nav">
<div class="flex-container">
<a href="/" style="margin-left: 20px;"><img src="/icons/download.png" style="width: 55px;"></a>
<a href="/" style="margin-left: 20px;"><img src="/icons/read_post.png" style="width: 55px;"></a>
<a href="/" style="margin-left: 20px;"><img src="/icons/unread_post.png" style="width: 55px;"></a>
<a href="/" style="margin-left: 20px;"><img src="/icons/delete_post.png" style="width: 55px;"></a>
<form class="flex-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: 10px;" action="/subscribe" method="post">
<label for="public_key">Public Key</label>
<input type="text" id="public_key" name="public_key" size=50 maxlength=53>
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe">
<input type="submit" value="Unsubscribe" formaction="/unsubscribe">
<div class="peers" style="text-align: center;">
<ul style="padding-left: 0;">
{% for peer in peers -%}
<li style="list-style: none; font-size: 12px;">
<a href="/posts/{{ peer | replace(from="/", to="%2F") }}">
<code style="word-wrap: anywhere;{% if selected_peer and peer == selected_peer %} font-weight: bold;{% endif %}">{{ peer }}</code>
{%- endfor %}
<div class="posts">
{% if posts %}
<ul style="padding-left: 25px;">
{% for post in posts -%}
<li class="flex" style="list-style: none; font-size: 12px;">
<a href="/posts/{{ selected_peer | replace(from="/", to="%2F") }}/{{ post.key | replace(from="/", to="%2F") }}">
<code style="word-wrap: anywhere;{% if selected_post and post.key == selected_post %} font-weight: bold;{% endif %}">{{ post.key }}</code>
| {{ }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="content">
{% if post %}
{{ post.text }}
{% endif %}