feat: allow overriding default 404 response with custom file

This allows folks the ability to restore the previous routing functionality used by static sites backed by VueJS (as an example).

Note that all requests routed this way will respond with a '200 OK' on the server, potentially causing SEO issues.

Closes #53
This commit is contained in:
Jose Diaz-Gonzalez 2022-08-07 19:10:31 -04:00
parent daa9549fb7
commit 89196adbf1
3 changed files with 17 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -32,6 +32,16 @@ You can override the nginx root via setting the `NGINX_ROOT` environment variabl
dokku config:set static-app NGINX_ROOT=_site
### Default to index for history routing
By default, this buildpack will 404 if a requested file is not found. For static sites that use the browser's history router to show the correct context, setting the `NGINX_DEFAULT_REQUEST` to a specific file will override this.
# where the app is named `static-app`
# and the desired default response is index.html
dokku config:set static-app NGINX_ROOT=index.html
### Custom nginx config file
You may completely override the built-in nginx config by placing an `app-nginx.conf.sigil` file in the root, modeled after our own [`conf/app-nginx.conf.sigil`](https://github.com/dokku/buildpack-nginx/blob/master/conf/app-nginx.conf.sigil). This will be used inside of the container, and not by the host Dokku instance. See the [sigil project](https://github.com/gliderlabs/sigil) for more information concerning the sigil format.

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ if [ -f "$BUILD_DIR/app-nginx.conf.sigil" ] ; then
# Allow deprecated nginx.conf.erb
elif [ -f "$BUILD_DIR/nginx.conf.erb" ] ; then
echo "-----> DEPRECATED: using user provided nginx.conf.erb"
echo "-----> DEPRECATED: Using user provided nginx.conf.erb"
cp "$BUILD_DIR/nginx.conf.erb" "$BUILD_DIR/nginx/nginx.conf.erb"
# ...else, force default file
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ cat <<EOF >"$BUILD_DIR/start_nginx"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -f /app/nginx/nginx.conf
if [[ -f /app/nginx/app-nginx.conf.sigil ]]; then
/app/sigil/sigil -f /app/nginx/app-nginx.conf.sigil NGINX_ROOT="\$NGINX_ROOT" PORT="\$PORT" | cat -s > /app/nginx/nginx.conf
/app/sigil/sigil -f /app/nginx/app-nginx.conf.sigil NGINX_ROOT="\$NGINX_ROOT" NGINX_DEFAULT_REQUEST="\$NGINX_DEFAULT_REQUEST" PORT="\$PORT" | cat -s > /app/nginx/nginx.conf
erb /app/nginx/nginx.conf.erb > /app/nginx/nginx.conf

View File

@ -23,7 +23,11 @@ http {
port_in_redirect off;
location / {
{{ if ne $.NGINX_DEFAULT_REQUEST "" }}
try_files $uri $uri/ /{{ $.NGINX_DEFAULT_REQUEST }};
{{ else }}
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
{{ end }}