Fork 0

Merge Rsync server copy and domain renaming

This commit is contained in:
Moritz 2023-12-18 12:16:57 +01:00
parent d3c2d48ef1
commit 9b5c3857fb
1 changed files with 33 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import json
import os
import tempfile
import tarfile
from time import sleep
from icecream import ic
from shutil import copyfile, rmtree
from pathlib import Path
@ -25,16 +27,19 @@ def main(loglevel, source_app, dst_domain, target_server, move_volumes):
def move_app(source_app, target_server=False, target_domain=False, move_vols=False):
print(abra('app', 'undeploy', '-n', source_app))
copy_volumes(source_app, target_server, target_domain, move_vols)
copy_configs(source_app, target_server, target_domain)
copy_secrets(source_app, target_domain)
def backup(app):
logging.info(f"Start Backup of {app}...")
output = abra('app', 'backup', 'create', app)
#output = abra('app', 'backup', 'create', app)
backupbot = get_backupbot(app)
print(f'Run backupbot on {backupbot}')
subprocess.run(['abra', 'app', 'run', backupbot, 'app', '--', 'backup','-m','create'])
def copy_files_between_servers(source_server, source_dir, destination_server, destination_dir):
# Generate temporary SSH key pair
@ -43,19 +48,20 @@ def copy_files_between_servers(source_server, source_dir, destination_server, de
private_key_path = os.path.join(ssh_key_pair_dir, 'id_ed25519')
public_key_path = os.path.join(ssh_key_pair_dir, 'id_ed25519.pub')
subprocess.run(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-N', '',
'-f', private_key_path, '-C', ssh_key_id], check=True)
'-f', private_key_path, '-C', ssh_key_id], check=True, capture_output=True)
# Copy the private key to the source server
source_key_dir = run_ssh(source_server, 'mktemp -d', True)
['scp', private_key_path, f'{source_server}:{source_key_dir}'], check=True)
['scp', private_key_path, f'{source_server}:{source_key_dir}'], check=True, capture_output=True)
source_key_file = f'{source_key_dir}/id_ed25519'
run_ssh(source_server, f'chmod 600 {source_key_file}')
# Add the public key to the authorized hosts of the destination server
subprocess.run(['ssh-copy-id', '-i', public_key_path,
destination_server], check=True)
destination_server], check=True, capture_output=True)
# Run rsync over SSH on the source server to copy files to the destination server
source_rsync_cmd = f'rsync -az -e "ssh -i {source_key_file} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new" {source_dir} {destination_server}:{destination_dir}'
run_ssh(source_server, source_rsync_cmd)
# Remove the SSH key pair from the source server
run_ssh(source_server, f'rm -r {source_key_dir}')
@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ def copy_files_between_servers(source_server, source_dir, destination_server, de
def copy_volumes(source_app, target_server=False, target_domain=False, move=False):
def copy_volumes(source_app, target_server, target_domain, move=False):
if not any([target_domain, target_server]):
'At leat one of target_domain or target_app need to be speicified')
@ -76,28 +82,34 @@ def copy_volumes(source_app, target_server=False, target_domain=False, move=Fals
source_service = source_app.replace(".", "_")
volume_dir = f'/var/lib/docker/volumes/{source_service}_*'
target_dir = f'/var/lib/docker/volumes'
if target_server:
if target_server and not target_domain:
source_server, volume_dir, target_server, target_dir)
server = None
if target_server and target_domain:
server = target_server
cmd = 'mv'
elif target_domain:
server = source_server
cmd = 'rsync -a --delete'
if move:
cmd = 'mv'
cmd = 'rsync -a --delete'
if target_server:
server = target_server
server = source_server
if target_domain:
paths = run_ssh(server, f'echo {volume_dir}', True).split()
if paths[0] == volume_dir:
source_paths = run_ssh(source_server, f'echo {volume_dir}', True)
if not source_paths:
logging.error("No path for {volume_dir} found")
source_paths = source_paths.split()
if source_paths[0] == volume_dir:
logging.error(f"Path {volume_dir} does not exists")
target_service = target_domain.replace(".", "_")
for old_path in paths:
for old_path in source_paths:
new_dir = Path(old_path).name.replace(source_service, target_service)
new_path = f'{target_dir}/{new_dir}'
print(f'{cmd} {old_path}/ {new_path}')
if target_server:
copy_files_between_servers(source_server, f'{old_path}/', target_server, new_path)
run_ssh(server, f'{cmd} {old_path}/ {new_path}')
@ -111,8 +123,10 @@ def copy_configs(source_app, target_server=False, target_domain=False):
target_env = target_path.joinpath(f'{target_domain}.env')
target_env = target_path.joinpath(f'{source_app}.env')
print(f"copy env {source_env} to {target_env}")
copy_env(source_env, target_env)
if target_domain:
print(f"\t replace {source_app} with {target_domain}")
replace_domain(source_app, target_domain, target_env)