Fork 0

223 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File

import click
import logging
import subprocess
import json
import os
import tempfile
from shutil import copyfile, rmtree
from pathlib import Path
@click.option('-l', '--log', 'loglevel')
@click.option('source_app', '--source_app', '-s')
@click.option('target_app', '--target_app', '-t')
@click.option('backupbot', '--backupbot', '-b')
def main(loglevel, source_app, target_app, backupbot):
if loglevel:
numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None)
if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel)
# backup(source_app, backupbot)
def move_app(source_app, target_server=False, target_domain=False):
copy_volumes(source_app, target_server, target_domain)
copy_configs(source_app, target_server, target_domain)
copy_secrets(source_app, target_domain)
def backup(app):
# TODO: replace with abra app backup command
backupbot = get_backupbot(source_app)
output = abra('app', 'run', backupbot, 'app',
'--', 'backup', '-h', app, 'create')
def copy_files_between_servers(source_server, source_dir, destination_server, destination_dir):
# Generate temporary SSH key pair
ssh_key_pair_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
ssh_key_id = ssh_key_pair_dir.split('/')[2]
private_key_path = os.path.join(ssh_key_pair_dir, 'id_ed25519')
public_key_path = os.path.join(ssh_key_pair_dir, 'id_ed25519.pub')
subprocess.run(['ssh-keygen', '-t', 'ed25519', '-N', '',
'-f', private_key_path, '-C', ssh_key_id], check=True)
# Copy the private key to the source server
source_key_dir = run_ssh(source_server, 'mktemp -d', True)
['scp', private_key_path, f'{source_server}:{source_key_dir}'], check=True)
source_key_file = f'{source_key_dir}/id_ed25519'
run_ssh(source_server, f'chmod 600 {source_key_file}')
# Add the public key to the authorized hosts of the destination server
subprocess.run(['ssh-copy-id', '-i', public_key_path,
destination_server], check=True)
# Run rsync over SSH on the source server to copy files to the destination server
source_rsync_cmd = f'rsync -avz -e "ssh -i {source_key_file} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new" {source_dir} {destination_server}:{destination_dir}'
run_ssh(source_server, source_rsync_cmd)
# Remove the SSH key pair from the source server
run_ssh(source_server, f'rm -r {source_key_dir}')
# Remove the public key from the authorized hosts of the destination server
f'sed -i.bak "/{ssh_key_id}/d" ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')
# Remove the temporary SSH key pair directory
def copy_volumes(source_app, target_server=False, target_domain=False, move=False):
if not any([target_domain, target_server]):
'At leat one of target_domain or target_app need to be speicified')
source_server = get_server(source_app)
source_domain = get_domain(source_app)
source_service = source_domain.replace(".", "_")
volume_dir = f'/var/lib/docker/volumes/{source_service}_*'
target_dir = f'/var/lib/docker/volumes'
if target_server:
source_server, volume_dir, target_server, target_dir)
server = None
if target_server and target_domain:
server = target_server
cmd = 'mv'
elif target_domain:
server = source_server
cmd = 'cp -r'
if move:
cmd = 'mv'
if target_domain:
paths = run_ssh(server, f'echo {volume_dir}', True).split()
target_service = target_domain.replace(".", "_")
for old_path in paths:
container = old_path.split('_')[-1]
new_path = f'{target_dir}/{target_service}_{container}'
print(f'{cmd} {old_path} {new_path}')
run_ssh(server, f'{cmd} {old_path} {new_path}')
def copy_configs(source_app, target_server=False, target_domain=False):
source_server = get_server(source_app)
target_path= source_path = Path(f"~/.abra/servers/{source_server}").expanduser()
if target_server:
target_path = Path(f"~/.abra/servers/{target_server}").expanduser()
source_env = source_path.joinpath(f'{source_app}.env')
if target_domain:
target_env = target_path.joinpath(f'{target_domain}.env')
target_env = target_path.joinpath(f'{source_app}.env')
copy_env(source_env, target_env)
if target_domain:
replace_domain(source_app, target_domain, target_env)
def copy_env(source_env, target_env):
if not source_env.exists():
logging.error(f"file {source_env} not found")
copyfile(source_env, target_env)
def replace_domain(source_app, target_domain, target_env):
source_domain = get_domain(source_app)
replace_string_in_file(target_env, source_domain, target_domain)
def replace_string_in_file(file_path, search_string, replace_string):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
content = file.read()
modified_content = content.replace(search_string, replace_string)
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"File '{file_path}' not found.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")
def get_server(app_name):
server_list = json.loads(abra('app', 'ls', '-m'))
for server in server_list.values():
for app in server['apps']:
if app['appName'] == app_name:
return app['server']
def get_domain(app_name):
server_list = json.loads(abra('app', 'ls', '-m'))
for server in server_list.values():
for app in server['apps']:
if app['appName'] == app_name:
return app['domain']
def copy_secrets(source_app, target_domain):
secrets = get_secrets(source_app)
insert_secrets(target_domain, secrets)
def get_secrets(source_app):
# TODO: replace with abra app backup command
backupbot = get_backupbot(source_app)
output = subprocess.run(['abra', 'app', 'run', backupbot, 'app', '--',
'backup', '-h', source_app, 'download', '--secrets'], capture_output=True, text=True)
secret_path = output.stdout.strip()
output = subprocess.run(
['abra', 'app', 'cp', backupbot, f"app:{secret_path}", "/tmp"])
with open(secret_path) as file:
secrets = json.load(file)
return secrets
def get_backupbot(app_name):
server = get_server(app_name)
server_list = json.loads(abra('app', 'ls', '-m'))
for app in server_list[server]['apps']:
if app['recipe'] == 'backup-bot-two':
return app['appName']
def insert_secrets(target_domain, secrets):
for sec in secrets:
secret = secrets[sec]
secret_name = "_".join(sec.split('_')[:-1])
secret_version = sec.split('_')[-1]
cmd = ['abra', 'app', 'secret', 'insert', target_domain, secret_name, secret_version, secret]
print(" ".join(cmd))
output = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True)
if output.returncode:
def run_ssh(server, cmd, get_output=False):
output = subprocess.run(["ssh", server] + cmd.split(),
capture_output=get_output, check=True, text=True)
if get_output:
return output.stdout.strip()
def abra(*args, machine_output=False, ignore_error=False):
command = ["abra", *args]
if machine_output:
logging.debug(f"run command: {' '.join(command)}")
process = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, text=True)
if process.stderr:
if process.stdout:
if process.returncode and not ignore_error:
raise RuntimeError(
f'{" ".join(command)} \n STDOUT: \n {process.stdout} \n STDERR: {process.stderr}')
if machine_output:
return json.loads(process.stdout)
return process.stdout
if __name__ == '__main__':