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Release channels


abra upgrade

Release candidate

abra upgrade --rc

Migration guides

v0.3.x -> v0.4.x

Make sure to back up your ~/.abra/servers configurations first for safety.

  • mv ~/.abra/apps ~/.abra/recipes
  • find ~/.abra/servers/ -type f -exec sed -i "s/^TYPE=/RECIPE=/g" {} \;
  • "app name" as a concept went away, abra now uses the domain name of an app as the identifier. However, we don't expect to see breaking behaviour if you have .env files like ~/.abra/servers/ and you still want to run abra app ps mycoolapp. abra still reads the filename to figure out the identifier. When running abra app new <recipe>, abra will now take the domain name as the name of the .env file.
  • abra has a new SSH implementation which enforces SSH host key checking. You may run into connection issues as a result of this code churn, please see this entry for help navigating a fix.