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Who is this for?

Welcome to the Co-op Cloud documentation 🥳

The documentation is aimed at a technical audience: tech co-ops, collectives and individuals who are curious about Co-op Cloud or are already running and managing Co-op Cloud deployments.

A more general public may still find these pages useful but if you're just looking for a quick overview of the project from a less technical perspective, you can take a look at

We'd be happy to hear feedback about our documentation, if it was helpful, what was missing, what was confusing, etc., please get in touch!.

Quick start

!!! danger "Here be dragons"

This project is still [alpha quality software]( :bomb: Please take that into consideration if you are thinking about using this system in production. We're working hard to make Co-op Cloud stable. In the meantime, this is a good time to help us out with initial testing, feedback, ideas or [join in with development](/get-involved/).
  • Operators guide: You run a Co-op Cloud instance or want to do so 💻

  • Applications: You want to know what applications are supported :nerd:

  • Get involved: You'd like to help out with the project, we've love to see you stick around ❤️

  • Maintainers guide: You maintain recipes and ensure things run smoothly for operators :tools:

  • CLI deference: You need a command-line reference (abra, docker, etc.) with additional context 📓