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Where do I report abra bugs / feature requests?

You can use this issue tracker.

I'm having a bad day, where do I find a human?

Please see the contact page.

SSH connection issues?


"abra server ls" shows the wrong details?

You can use abra server rm to remove the incorrect details. Make sure to take a backup of your ~/.abra/servers/<domain> first.

However, if you have Docker installed on the same machine you have abra, then there might be some confusion. If you run docker context ls you'll see that Docker uses context connection strings also. abra simply uses this approach. Sometimes, your Docker defined context details & your abra context details can get out of sync. You can use docker context rm to resolve this.

If you need to create a new context from Docker, you can do:

docker context create <domain> --docker "host=ssh://<user>@<domain>:<port>"

(This is what we used to before we wrote abra to make it more convenient.)

Command-line flag handling is weird?