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/posts/p4p 2022-07-19T23:19:51.246Z P4P wiki 1 prose Max Fowler

from @gwil on ssb at ssb:%ydpYgAf1+8iBAMSiFAbPG32ltwdVQQSJb0G7tjRGgvM=.sha256

This is what I have been thinking about when I think of 'p4p': not just a version bump for a technology with a specific network shape; but a way of working in solidarity towards a common goal — even when we are working on different projects.

this could encompass many things, both social and technical

this page contains some links relating to this vast topic, which takes many forms, from pirate radio, to tech cooperatives

the grow your own food of software

open source feeds

sovereign hardware

system administration history

green computing

community infra collectives this channel has been a recurring image for me. on first pass, the vision of yunohost and self-hosted in general, may appear as a sort of neo-liberal ableist fantasy -- not everyone is actually going to run their own server and learn bash and devops etc.

coop-cloud presents an interesting alternative to this, which would be more like a federation of different tech co-ops around the world. this could use much of the same software as the self-hosted movement, and shares many of the same principles, but it "bottoms out" at the level of community instead of the individual.

I also briefly write about this here in response to moxy's piece "no one wants to run their own server" and other criticism of decentralized protocols:

the communitys infra collectives channel is a list of all cooperatives I found working on community infrastructure and related projects.

virtual care lab has been an influential project for me, in pointing towards how we can create intentional digital spaces that are more nourishing than the status quo.

cerca, a community forum for the merveilles community, initiated by alex cblgh and continued by the community.

spring '83