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/posts/spiritual-texts 2022-07-19T23:19:51.246Z Svadhyaya (Spiritual Study) wiki 1 prose Max Fowler

Svadhyaya is a sanskrit word that means "self-study", but which through in person teachings, I understood to practically mean "spiritual study", and can take the form of reading scripture, books, poetry, or any other type of study that you feel drawn to.

Below are various texts, teachers and centers that I found helpful at different times.

I have been zen mind, beginner's mind

hridaya newsletters The True Sense Of Belonging Why Trust & Surrender?

ram dass lectures Path Of The Heart - Ram Dass 1992

evan's podcast


Some might be critical of being influenced by many different traditions, but this is my experience of being a human. You can also read a note I wrote explaining my perspective on spirituality and cultural appropriation here.