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/posts/the-war-on-pathogens 2020-10-21T23:19:51.246Z The War On Pathogens Max Fowler blog /content/blog/the-origin-of-maps/img/map5.png Max Fowler true

This is a collection of resources considering the ways in which corona restrictions may be causing more harm than corona in the long-term, organized into sections.

It includes arguments from leading epidemiologists at the top, and from less accredited sources at the bottom, a blue line denotes the separation.

It can both be true that deaths from disease are heartbreaking and that extreme reaction to disease does more harm than good. Media polarization and sensationalism forces discussions into binaries, which has led to simplistic models and fear-based reactions, a continuation of previous media and cultural trends.

As much as we can imagine that its better to be safe than sorry, this sentiment can apply equally to the harms of Corona as to the harms from the unprecedented lockdown. This document is intended as an offering towards more holistic perspectives on public health wherever that leads.

Sunetra Gupta

If you read one thing, I recommend to read this interview, which gets at many of the epidemiological and social issues:

An Interview With Sunetra Gupta

Sunetra Gupta is an Indian infectious disease epidemiologist and a professor of theoretical epidemiology at the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford. She has performed research on the transmission dynamics of various infectious diseases, including malaria, influenza and COVID-19, and has received the Scientific Medal of the Zoological Society of London and the Rosalind Franklin Award of the Royal Society.

Hearing her perspective, it should at the very least be seen that the debate around public health and Covid-19 is not as simple as scientifically literate and illiterate.

The Great Barrington Declaration

On October 5th, Dr. Gupta, Dr. Kulldorff and Dr. Bhattacharya jointly published The Great Barrington Declaration, which outlines some pieces of the issue in short form:

More from Kulldorff:
Lockdown is a terrible experiment
Herd immunity is still the key in the fight against Covid-19

Kulldorff points to the ways that even just from the harms from Covid alone, general lockdown may be doing more harm than good, and the burden is not shared equally between rich and poor.

Harms From Lockdown

The harms from lockdown are various and many may never be quantified or even known. Some are very direct, like the 525,000 people projected to die in 2021 from tuberculosis because of decreased access to care because of corona restrictions. Other effects are more insidious — what are the long-term effects on all the children being raised in a condition to separate from and fear other people?

Security Theatre

Root Causes

I believe there is a societal bias that lockdown is good for public health that comes as an outgrowth from the colonial perspective that humans are separate from nature, and that the human body is a pure sterile space (ignoring the microbiome and that humans actually have an ecological relationship with viruses and bacteria). This bias continues capitalist trends towards alienation from nature, each other, and our bodies, and furthers the deterioration of our health, which was already in a public health crisis before corona.

I see unlearning this bias as part of the necessary healing work of our generation.