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p4u1 2024-04-03 18:06:05 +02:00
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title: Backupbot Specification
# For Operators
## Deployment
**1. Create a new app:**
abra app new backup-bot-two
**2. Configure :**
## Usage
Run the cronjob that creates a backup, including the push notifications and docker logging: abra app cmd <backupbot_name> app run_cron
### Create a backup of all apps:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup create
The apps to backup up need to be deployed
### Create an individual backup:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup --host <target_app_name> create
### Create a backup to a local repository:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup create -r /backups/restic
It is recommended to shutdown/undeploy an app before restoring the data
### Restore the latest snapshot of all including apps:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup restore
### Restore a specific snapshot of an individual app:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup --host <target_app_name> restore --snapshot <snapshot_id>
### Show all snapshots:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup snapshots
### Show all snapshots containing a specific app:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup --host <target_app_name> snapshots
### Show all files inside the latest snapshot (can be very verbose):
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup ls
### Show specific files inside a selected snapshot:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup ls --snapshot <snapshot_id> --path /var/lib/docker/volumes/
### Download files from a snapshot:
filename=$(abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup download --snapshot <snapshot_id> --path <absolute_path>)
abra app cp <backupbot_name> app:$filename .
# For Maintainers
pre/post hooks
- Simple command
- accessing secrets
- more complex scripts mounted in the container
From the perspective of the recipe maintainer, backup/restore is just more
`deploy: ...` labels. Tools can read these labels and then perform the
backup/restore logic.
## Tools
Two of the current "blessed" options are
[`backup-bot-two`]( &
### `backup-bot-two`
`backup-bot-two` is a recipe which gets deployed on the server, it can perform automatic backups.
Please see the [``]( for the full docs.
### `abra`
`abra` will read labels and store backups in `~/.abra/backups/...` .
## Backup
Unless otherwise stated all labels should be added to the main service (which should be named `app`).
1. Enable backups for the recipe:
You need to enable backups for the recipe by adding the following label:
2. Decide wich volumes should be backed up:
By default all volumes will be backed up. To disable a certain volume you can add the following label:
3. Decide which path should be backed up on each volume
By default all files get backed up for a volume. To only include certain paths you can add the following label:
Note: You cann include multiple paths by providing a comma seperated list
Note: All paths are specified relativ to the volume root
4. Run commands before the backup
For certain services like a database it is not reccomend to just backup files, because the backup might end up in a corrupted state. Instead it is reccomended to make a database dump. You can run arbitrary commands in any container before the files are backed up.
To do this add the following label to the service on which you want the command being run:
backupbot.backup.pre-hook=mysqldump -u root -pghost ghost --tab /var/lib/foo
5. Run commands after the backup
Sometimes you want to clean up after the backup. You can run arbitrary commands in any container after the files were backed up.
To do this add the following label to the service on which you want the command being run:
``` -rf /var/lib/mysql-files/*
### Testing the backup
That's it your recipe can now be backed up. But how can you make sure your configuration is correct?
### Examples
## Restore
Restore, in this context means, "moving a compressed archive back to the
container backup paths". So, if you set
`backupbot.backup.path=/var/lib/foo,/var/lib/bar` and you have a backed up
archive, tooling will unzip files in the archive back to those paths.
In the case of restoring database tables, you can use the `pre-hook` &
`post-hook` commands to run the insertion logic.
## Configuration Examples
### Mysql
### Postgres
# Specification
Backups are enabled for the whole compose stack.
By default all volumes are backup up.
It is possible to disable backups for a volume.
By default the whole volume is backed up.
It is possible to define a path or a list of paths for a volume to backup only those.
## Summary
Creating automated backups of docker swarm services is an often needed task. This specification describes how backups can be configured via labels in a standardised way.
## Requirements
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this specification are to be interpreted as described in [RFC-2119].
When backing up a docker stack you MUST first check if the `backupbot.backup`. It MUST be set to true, for the backup to happen.
## Backup
To enable backups for a docker stack, the `backupbot.backup=true` label MUST be on any of its services. It SHOULD be declared on the first service.
A `backupbot.backup.pre-hook` MAY be set on a service. When set the command MUST be executed inside the running container of the service before backup up files.
By default all volumes MUST be backed up. A volume MAY be excluded from backing up when `backupbot.backup.volumes.{volume_name}=false` is set, where `{volume_name}` is the name of the volume.
By default all files MUST be backed up on a volume. `backupbot.backup.volumes.{volume_name}.path` MAY be set to only include those paths.
A `` MAY be set on a service. When set the command MUST be executed inside the running container of the service after backing up all files.
A backup implementation SHOULD provide the backup of one or multiple stacks in a `.tar.gz` format.
## Restore
A `backupbot.restore.pre-hook` MAY be set on a service. When set the command MUST be executed inside the running container of the service before restoring backup files.
By default all files MUST be restored into their volume. A volume or path MAY be excluded from restoring.
A `` MAY be set on a service. When set the command MUST be executed inside the running container of the service after restoring backup files.
## Labels
### `backupbot.backup`
**Type:** boolean
**Default:** false
Enables backupbot for this compose stack. It SHOULD be added to the first service.
backupbot.backup: true
### `backupbot.backup.volumes.{volume_name}`
**Type:** boolean
**Description:** false, true when the given volume has a path specified
Enables backups for the {volume_name} volume.
backupbot.backup.volumes.{volume_name}: true
### `backupbot.backup.volumes.{volume_name}.path`
**Type:** string
**Default:** ""
A comma seperated list of paths. When one or more paths are set, it only backups up those on the given volume instead of the whole volume.
backupbot.backup.volumes.{volume_name}.path: '/var/lib/mariadb/dump.sql.gz'
### `backupbot.backup.pre-hook`
**Type:** string
**Default:** ""
A command, that gets executed before the files are backuped.
TODO: multiple commands?
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: 'mysqldump -u root -p"$(cat /run/secrets/db_root_password)" -f /volume_path/dump.db'
### ``
**Type:** string
**Default:** ""
A command, that gets executed after the files are backuped.
TODO: what todo if the backup fails? should this always run?
``` "rm -rf /volume_path/dump.db"
### `backupbot.restore.pre-hook`
**Type:** string
**Default:** ""
A command, that gets executed before the files are restored.
backupbot.restore.pre-hook: "lock db"
### ``
**Type:** string
**Default:** ""
A command, that gets executed after the files are restored.
TODO: what todo if the restore fails? should this always run?
``` "sqldump dump.sql && unlock db && rm dump.sql"