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HEX BOMB is a punk rock dyke living in Edinburgh, Scotland. She makes sick porn art, zines, music, & more!

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This page is for links to my friends on the internet, as well as other websites I think are useful. If you think something here should be removed, or think I should add something interesting here, please contact me!


Princess Grace @ princess.software

Grace is a good friend of mine, and knows way more computer shit than I do. She writes some hot fucking erotica, is on a bunch of podcasts, and creates many fun little toy programs. I often have her proofread my comics and essays, when she's wearing her editrix hat.
Grace's writing can be found at perfect.hypnovir.us/

Distressed Egg @ distressedegg.fun/

Egg's website is definitely worth a look if you want to look at some hot porn. xer comics have this lovely simplicity and clarity to them that I often look at like "God. I should have decided to do comics like that." Check out their comics Scandalous Sybil Throat & Split Check in particular. You can find more of her stuff at: irisjay.net.
Sybil hot.

Cavitees @ cavitees.com

A big art inspiration for the way I make comics, Cavitees hits the sweet spot between "hot as hell" and "kinda squicky" in a way that's very hard to do right. They do really sick comics- Totally Punk is a particular favourite of mine. They also Really likes drawing women who are also food.
Check out their comic series Joy-Stick!