• Joined on 2020-03-30
roxxers pushed to main at coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech 2021-08-12 15:18:43 +00:00
56aafd328b added tagcmp redirect
roxxers pushed to main at coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech 2021-08-12 15:02:05 +00:00
db538b9d1a feat: go get vanity url for abra
roxxers pushed to main at coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech 2021-08-12 14:31:43 +00:00
ff200f56d1 docs: docker publish docs
roxxers pushed to main at coop-cloud/abra 2021-08-12 13:56:27 +00:00
d5b893d9de style: rm unneeded type assertions
b143b544b6 fix: err not being checked & unneeded type assert
6df08df509 style(tagcmp): simplify returns
Compare 3 commits »
roxxers pushed to main at coop-cloud/abra 2021-08-12 13:41:57 +00:00
8f9ffa0667 style: correct error formatting ST1005
roxxers commented on issue coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech#20 2021-08-12 13:32:28 +00:00
Support installation of coopcloud.tech/... golang packages

I will try and document it in the coopcloud site repo

roxxers commented on issue coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech#20 2021-08-12 13:29:03 +00:00
Support installation of coopcloud.tech/... golang packages

Will do this! I think the doing it in Hugo thing is great and I will edit the site to do this for both abra and tagcmp

roxxers pushed to main at coop-cloud/abra 2021-08-12 13:22:05 +00:00
6f0eff5919 Merge pull request 'fix: abra app rm trying to remove secrets twice' (#50) from knoflook/go-abra:main into main
cefad74e22 fix: app rm removing secrets and volumes twice
Compare 2 commits »
roxxers merged pull request coop-cloud/abra#50 2021-08-12 13:22:05 +00:00
fix: abra app rm trying to remove secrets twice
roxxers commented on pull request coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:20 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

As discussed with my panic hour, this just isn't checking if the app itself exists leading to a weird error that is very confusing. Like "Context '' does not exist."

roxxers commented on pull request coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:20 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

Same issue as before. Since you are doing this twice you could refactor some of the calls here into their own functions so both commands can use them?

roxxers commented on pull request coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:20 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

This is great!!

roxxers commented on pull request coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:20 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

Minimal: We use table creation in the formatter for the abra/cli package

roxxers commented on pull request coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:20 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

Style: Errors should not start with capital. https://staticcheck.io/docs/checks#ST1005

roxxers commented on pull request coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:20 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

I am also unsure of using this error vs just printing the help page without the error. Since not giving the first arg seems to do so without error for other commands. This is more a thing for future clean up tbf and me rambling.

roxxers suggested changes for coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:20 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

Just needs to check for if the app exists to work great out of the box, i gave you a code snippet to fix that.

roxxers commented on pull request coop-cloud/abra#51 2021-08-12 13:20:18 +00:00
feat: initial commit for abra app volume ls/rm

I am also unsure of using this error vs just printing the help page without the error. Since not giving the first arg seems to do so without error for other commands. This is more a thing for future…

roxxers opened issue coop-cloud/abra#52 2021-08-12 12:38:49 +00:00
App name vs domain is confusing
roxxers closed issue coop-cloud/abra#49 2021-08-11 12:04:43 +00:00
Silent error when checking status of server with known_host issue