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Upload Public SSH Key to Your Yolo Account

There is no front-end to your capsul. All access to it will be remote, for example, with ssh. You need to create SSH keys and upload your public key to your account before you can create a capsul.

This guide explains how to create SSH Keys on your local Windows computer. The steps describe using Window's built-in OpenSSH feature. If you prefer PuTTY, you can skip these steps and use that instead.

  1. Open an Administrator PowerShell window. open administrator powershell on windows

  2. Use the get-WindowsCapability command to find out if Windows already has the OpenSSH client installed.

    get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH.client*'

    is openssh client installed on windows? If you see "State : Installed" in the response, you don't need to add it. If it is not installed, use the Add-WindowsCapability command to add it.

    Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.client~~~~

    install openssh client on windows if needed

  3. Open the Windows cmd.exe command window. Make sure you have a subdirectory named .ssh in your home directory.

    dir .ssh
    mkdir .ssh

    Run ssh-keygen.exe to generate an SSH key pair. Press enter key to accept the default filename. Press enter key twice to skip adding a passphrase. Your key pair identification is then saved in the .ssh subdirectory. You will see a key fingerprint ending in your-windows-username@your-windows-hostname. You'll also see the key's randomart image.

    create ssh key using ssh-keygen.exe

  4. Launch Notepad.exe and open file c:\users\userid\.ssh\ Select all of the file's contents and copy to the clipboard.

    copy public ssh key to clipboard

  5. Open your browser and go to the SSH PUBLIC KEYS page in your browser. You'll see a box labeled File Contents. Paste your public key from the clipboard into the box. Then, click the Upload button.

    paste public key into yolo SSH PUBLIC KEYS page

  6. Your uploaded public key will appear near the top of the page. your uploaded public key appears on yolo page

Congratulations, you have uploaded your public SSH key to your yolo account.

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