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# Install Abra on Local Linux System
After installing WSL2 and Debian (or other Linux distribution) on your Windows system, you are ready to install the *abra* tool.
Here is the description of abra from it's git repository: abra is a command-line tool for managing your own Co-op Cloud. It can provision new servers, create applications, deploy them, run backup and restore operations and a whole lot of other things. It is the go-to tool for day-to-day operations when managing a Co-op Cloud instance. Abra is undergoing a rewrite and so it is deprecated. It's still in use on a daily basis, but it will be replaced.
1. On a fresh Debian installation, you should run the following two commands to upgrade it:
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get upgrade
1. To download the script which will install abra, we need *curl*. Install curl and check it:
> sudo apt install curl
1. Now we are ready to get the abra installation script:
1. Run the abra installation script with bash:
1. The abra installation script will ask you if you want to install *docker*. Answer "y"
1. When abra installation script completes, update your PATH.
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