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A simple oauth API for node.js . This API allows users to authenticate against OAUTH providers, and thus act as OAuth consumers

Tested against both Twitter (, ( and Yahoo!

Also provides rudimentary OAuth2 support, tested against facebook connect and github. For more complete usage examples please take a look at connect-auth (

Change History

  • 0.7.7 - Looks like non oauth_ parameters where appearing within the Authorization headers, which I believe to be inccorrect.
  • 0.7.6 - Added in oauth_verifier property to getAccessToken required for 1.0A
  • 0.7.5 - Added in a main.js to simplify the require'ing of OAuth
  • 0.7.4 - Minor change to add an error listener to the OAuth client (thanks troyk)
  • 0.7.3 - OAuth 2 now sends a Content-Length Http header to keep nginx happy :)
  • 0.7.2 - Fixes some broken unit tests!
  • 0.7.0 - Introduces support for HTTPS end points and callback URLS for OAuth 1.0A and Oauth 2 (Please be aware that this was a breaking change to the constructor arguments order)


Ciaran Jessup - Mark Wubben -