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Debian Packaging

The microservices comprising the PeachCloud software suite are packaged for easy deployment and maintainance on Debian and derivative operating systems.

Each microservice repository includes a debian directory which includes a systemd service file. deb packages are created using the cargo-deb tool (crate), which installs the systemd unit file to the correct location.

Install cargo-deb:

cargo install cargo-deb

Create the package:

cargo deb --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

Note: the correct linker, objcopy and strip parameters must be defined in ~/.cargo/config for the above command to execute successfully. Visit the Compilation page and look under 'Configure the linker' for more details.

Install the package:

sudo dpkg -i peach-network_0.1.0_arm64.deb

The service will be automatically enabled and started.

Uninstall the package:

sudo apt-get remove peach-network

Remove configuration files (not removed with apt-get remove):

sudo apt-get purge peach-network

Freight Repository

peach-package-builder is a set of python scripts that run on the VPS and build all the PeachCloud microservice packages and add them to the Freight repository at

Documentation for peach-package-builder cand be found here.

Installing packages from

To add the PeachCloud Debian package archive as an apt source, run the following commands from your Pi:

echo "deb buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/peach.list
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

You can then install peach packages using apt:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install peach-oled