New Crowdin updates (#2268)

This commit is contained in:
Translate-O-Tron 2021-07-04 06:54:52 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 286a15cf10
commit 49bf86d6d9
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 38 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"Copied to clipboard": "已複製到剪貼簿",
"Code": "程式碼",
"Create link": "建立超連結",
"Sorry, an error occurred creating the link": "Sorry, an error occurred creating the link",
"Sorry, an error occurred creating the link": "抱歉,建立分享連結時發生錯誤",
"Create a new doc": "建立新文件",
"Delete column": "刪除欄",
"Delete row": "刪除列",
@ -72,19 +72,19 @@
"Sorry, an error occurred uploading the image": "抱歉,上傳圖片時發生錯誤",
"Info": "Info",
"Info notice": "Info notice",
"Link": "Link",
"Link copied to clipboard": "Link copied to clipboard",
"Link": "連結",
"Link copied to clipboard": "已經將連結複製到剪貼簿",
"Highlight": "強調",
"Type '/' to insert": "輸入 '/' 進行插入",
"Keep typing to filter": "繼續輸入以進行篩選",
"No results": "No results",
"No results": "找不到任何結果",
"Open link": "開啟連結",
"Ordered list": "編號清單",
"Ordered list": "有序清單",
"Page break": "分頁符號",
"Paste a link": "貼上連結",
"Paste a {{service}} link…": "貼上 {{service}} 連結...",
"Placeholder": "Placeholder",
"Quote": "Quote",
"Placeholder": "占位符",
"Quote": "引用",
"Remove link": "移除超連結",
"Search or paste a link": "搜尋或貼上連結",
"Strikethrough": "刪除線",
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
"Report a bug": "回報 Bug",
"Log out": "登出",
"Show path to document": "顯示文件路徑",
"Path to document": "Path to document",
"Group member options": "Group member options",
"Path to document": "文件路徑",
"Group member options": "群組成員選項",
"Remove": "移除",
"Collection": "文件集",
"New document": "建立新文件",
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
"Document archived": "文件已被封存",
"Document restored": "文件已經被還原",
"Document unpublished": "文件已經回復為草稿狀態",
"Document options": "Document options",
"Document options": "文件選項",
"Restore": "還原",
"Choose a collection": "選擇一個文件集",
"Unpin": "取消釘選",
@ -191,8 +191,8 @@
"Permanently delete {{ documentName }}": "永久刪除 {{ documentName }}",
"Edit group": "編輯群組",
"Delete group": "刪除群組",
"Group options": "Group options",
"Member options": "Member options",
"Group options": "群組選項",
"Member options": "成員選項",
"collection": "文件集",
"New child document": "建立新的子文件",
"New document in <em>{{ collectionName }}</em>": "新文件在<em>{{ collectionName }}</em>",
@ -204,15 +204,15 @@
"Share link revoked": "註銷分享連結",
"Share link copied": "分享連結已複製",
"Share options": "分享設定",
"Go to document": "Go to document",
"Go to document": "跳轉到文件",
"Revoke link": "註銷連結",
"By {{ author }}": "由 {{ author }}",
"Are you sure you want to make {{ userName }} an admin? Admins can modify team and billing information.": "你確定要將 {{ userName }} 設為管理員嗎?管理員可以修改團隊及帳單資訊。",
"Are you sure you want to make {{ userName }} a member?": "Are you sure you want to make {{ userName }} a member?",
"Are you sure you want to make {{ userName }} a read-only viewer? They will not be able to edit any content": "你確定要將 {{ userName }} 設定為唯讀瀏覽者嗎?他們將無法編輯任何內容。",
"Are you sure you want to make {{ userName }} a member?": "您卻將要將 {{ userName }} 設定設為成員之一嗎?",
"Are you sure you want to make {{ userName }} a read-only viewer? They will not be able to edit any content": "你確定要將 {{ userName }} 設定為唯讀檢視者嗎?他們將無法編輯任何內容。",
"Are you sure you want to suspend this account? Suspended users will be prevented from logging in.": "你確定要停用這個使用者帳號嗎?遭到停用的使用者將無法登入。",
"User options": "使用者選項",
"Make {{ userName }} a member": "Make {{ userName }} a member",
"Make {{ userName }} a member": "將 {{ userName }} 設為成員",
"Make {{ userName }} a viewer": "將 {{ userName }} 設為檢視者",
"Make {{ userName }} an admin…": "讓 {{ userName }} 成為管理員...",
"Revoke invite": "取消邀請",
@ -232,8 +232,8 @@
"Pinned": "已釘選",
"Recently updated": "最近更新",
"Recently published": "最近發布",
"Least recently updated": "Least recently updated",
"AZ": "AZ",
"Least recently updated": "很久以前更新",
"AZ": "A-Z",
"Drop documents to import": "拖曳文件以進行匯入",
"The collection was updated": "文件已被更新",
"You can edit the name and other details at any time, however doing so often might confuse your team mates.": "你可以在任何時間編輯姓名或其他詳細資料,然而經常這麼做可能會讓其他團隊成員感到困擾。",
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
"Add": "新增",
"{{ userName }} was added to the collection": "{{ userName }} 已經被新增到文件集",
"Need to add someone whos not yet on the team yet?": "Need to add someone whos not yet on the team yet?",
"Invite people to {{ teamName }}": "Invite people to {{ teamName }}",
"Invite people to {{ teamName }}": "邀請他人加入 {{ teamName }}",
"Search by name": "依名稱搜尋",
"Search people": "搜尋使用者",
"No people matching your search": "找不到符合搜尋條件的使用者",
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
"Nested documents are not shared": "子文件將不會被分享",
"Are you sure you want to delete the <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> template?": "你確定要刪除 <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> 範本嗎?",
"Are you sure about that? Deleting the <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> document will delete all of its history and any nested documents.": "你確定要這麼做嗎?將文件 <em>{{ documentTitle }}</em> 刪除同時也會刪除所有它的歷史編輯紀錄以及任何其所屬的子文件。",
"If youd like the option of referencing or restoring the {{noun}} in the future, consider archiving it instead.": "If youd like the option of referencing or restoring the {{noun}} in the future, consider archiving it instead.",
"If youd like the option of referencing or restoring the {{noun}} in the future, consider archiving it instead.": "如果您希望將來可以引用或還原 {{noun}},請考慮改將其封存。",
"Deleting": "正在刪除",
"Im sure  Delete": "我確定要- 刪除",
"Archiving": "封存",
@ -320,13 +320,13 @@
"No documents found for your filters.": "沒有符合搜尋條件的文件。",
"Youve not got any drafts at the moment.": "目前您還沒有任何草稿。",
"Not found": "Not found",
"We were unable to find the page youre looking for. Go to the <2>homepage</2>?": "We were unable to find the page youre looking for. Go to the <2>homepage</2>?",
"We were unable to find the page youre looking for. Go to the <2>homepage</2>?": "我們無法找到您所尋找的頁面。要回到<2>首頁</2>嗎?",
"Offline": "離線",
"We were unable to load the document while offline.": "我們無法在離線狀態下讀取文件。",
"Your account has been suspended": "您的使用者帳號已經被停用",
"A team admin (<em>{{ suspendedContactEmail }}</em>) has suspended your account. To re-activate your account, please reach out to them directly.": "團隊管理員 (<em>{{ suspendedContactEmail }}</em>) 已經將您的使用者帳號停用。請直接聯絡團隊管理員以協助您重新啟用帳號。",
"{{userName}} was added to the group": "{{userName}} was added to the group",
"Add team members below to give them access to the group. Need to add someone whos not yet on the team yet?": "Add team members below to give them access to the group. Need to add someone whos not yet on the team yet?",
"{{userName}} was added to the group": "{{userName}} 已經被加入到群組",
"Add team members below to give them access to the group. Need to add someone whos not yet on the team yet?": "在下方新增團隊成員來授權他們可以存取群組。需要增加那些尚未加入團隊的人嗎?",
"Invite them to {{teamName}}": "邀請他們加入 {{teamName}}",
"{{userName}} was removed from the group": "{{userName}} 已經從群組中移除",
"This group has no members.": "這個群組沒有成員。",
@ -341,27 +341,27 @@
"Toggle navigation": "切換導覽",
"Focus search input": "Focus search input",
"Open this guide": "Open this guide",
"Save document and exit": "Save document and exit",
"Save document and exit": "儲存文件並退出",
"Publish document and exit": "發佈並退出",
"Save document": "儲存文件",
"Cancel editing": "取消編輯",
"Formatting": "Formatting",
"Paragraph": "Paragraph",
"Large header": "Large header",
"Medium header": "Medium header",
"Small header": "Small header",
"Paragraph": "段落",
"Large header": "大標題",
"Medium header": "中標題",
"Small header": "小標題",
"Underline": "底線",
"Undo": "復原",
"Redo": "重做",
"Lists": "Lists",
"Indent list item": "Indent list item",
"Outdent list item": "Outdent list item",
"Lists": "清單",
"Indent list item": "增加清單縮排",
"Outdent list item": "減少清單縮排",
"Move list item up": "將清單項目往上移",
"Move list item down": "將清單項目往下移",
"Numbered list": "Numbered list",
"Blockquote": "Blockquote",
"Horizontal divider": "Horizontal divider",
"Inline code": "Inline code",
"Numbered list": "編號清單",
"Blockquote": "引用區塊",
"Horizontal divider": "水平分隔線",
"Inline code": "行內程式碼",
"Any collection": "任何文件集",
"Any time": "任何時間",
"Past day": "過去一天",
@ -369,9 +369,9 @@
"Past month": "上個月",
"Past year": "去年",
"Active documents": "使用中的文件",
"Documents in collections you are able to access": "Documents in collections you are able to access",
"Documents in collections you are able to access": "您可以存取文件集中所有的文件",
"All documents": "所有文件",
"Include documents that are in the archive": "Include documents that are in the archive",
"Include documents that are in the archive": "包含已封存的文件",
"Any author": "任何作者",
"Author": "作者",
"Not Found": "找不到頁面",
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
"Upload": "上傳",
"Full name": "全名",
"Language": "語言",
"Please note that translations are currently in early access.<1></1>Community contributions are accepted though our <4>translation portal</4>": "Please note that translations are currently in early access.<1></1>Community contributions are accepted though our <4>translation portal</4>",
"Please note that translations are currently in early access.<1></1>Community contributions are accepted though our <4>translation portal</4>": "請注意多國語言翻譯目前處於嚐鮮階段。<1></1>我們樂於接受來自社群協作的翻譯,如果您有興趣參與歡迎到我們的<4>翻譯平台入口網站</4>",
"Delete Account": "刪除帳號",
"You may delete your account at any time, note that this is unrecoverable": "您隨時可以刪除您的使用者帳號,但此為不可回復之動作",
"Delete account": "刪除帳號",