Backup Bot II: This Time It's Easily Configurable
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moritz f7f46d7b7b
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Merge pull request 'feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway' (#69) from prom-mon into main
Reviewed-on: #69
2025-01-14 13:34:34 +00:00
release chore: publish 1.0.0+2.0.0-beta release 2024-08-14 14:47:12 +02:00
.drone.yml chore: publish 2.0.1+2.1.1-beta release 2024-10-15 18:56:43 +02:00
.env.sample feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway 2024-12-30 14:08:05 +01:00
.envrc.sample add to .envrc.sample 2023-09-26 16:43:57 +02:00
.gitignore Ignore testing folder 2021-11-22 14:25:56 +02:00 Merge pull request 'feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway' (#69) from prom-mon into main 2025-01-14 13:34:34 +00:00 Cleaner output for snapshots closes #63 2024-10-29 12:29:35 +01:00 Add 2024-04-09 22:51:09 -03:00
compose.pushbasicauth.yml feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway 2024-12-30 14:08:05 +01:00
compose.s3.yml Work-in-progress: split S3 & SSH storage 2021-11-09 12:37:56 +02:00
compose.secret.yml breaking change: rename env RESTIC_REPO to RESTIC_REPOSITORY 2023-10-24 21:03:44 +02:00
compose.ssh.yml add sftp storage 2023-10-04 19:07:57 +02:00
compose.swarm-cronjob.yml fix typo 2021-11-16 11:43:47 +01:00
compose.yml Merge pull request 'feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway' (#69) from prom-mon into main 2025-01-14 13:34:34 +00:00 feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway 2024-12-30 14:08:05 +01:00
Dockerfile Switch ENTRYPOINT to try to resolve loop on start 2024-06-01 03:35:52 +00:00 feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway 2024-12-30 14:08:05 +01:00 add example script 2024-10-24 17:03:02 +02:00 Merge pull request 'feat: Adds monitoring setup for prometheus push gateway' (#69) from prom-mon into main 2025-01-14 13:34:34 +00:00
renovate.json chore(deps): add renovate.json 2023-01-18 17:24:09 +00:00
ssh_config add sftp storage 2023-10-04 19:07:57 +02:00

Backupbot II

Build Status

This Time, It's Easily Configurable

Automatically take backups from all volumes of running Docker Swarm services and runs pre- and post commands.


There are lots of Docker volume backup systems; all of them have one or both of these limitations:

  • You need to define all the volumes to back up in the configuration system
  • Backups require services to be stopped to take consistent copies

Backupbot II tries to help, by

  1. letting you define backups using Docker labels, so you can easily collect your backups for use with another system like docker-volume-backup.
  2. running pre- and post-commands before and after backups, for example to use database tools to take a backup from a running service.


With Co-op Cloud

  • abra app new backup-bot-two
  • abra app config <app-name>
    • set storage options. Either configure CRON_SCHEDULE, or set up swarm-cronjob
  • abra app secret generate -a <backupbot_name>
  • abra app deploy <app-name>


Per default Backupbot stores the backups locally in the repository /backups/restic, which is accessible as volume at /var/lib/docker/volumes/<backupbot_name>_backups/_data/restic/

The backup location can be changed using the RESTIC_REPOSITORY env variable.

S3 Storage

To use S3 storage as backup location set the following envs:


and add your <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> as docker secret: abra app secret insert <backupbot_name> aws_secret_access_key v1 <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>

See restic s3 docs for more information.

SFTP Storage

With sftp it is not possible to prevent the backupbot from deleting backups in case of a compromised machine. Therefore we recommend to use S3, REST or rclone server without delete permissions.

To use SFTP storage as backup location set the following envs:

SSH_HOST_KEY="hostname ssh-rsa AAAAB3...

To get the SSH_HOST_KEY run the following command ssh-keyscan <hostname>

Generate an ssh keypair: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f backupkey -P '' Add the key to your authorized_keys: ssh-copy-id -i backupkey <user>@<hostname> Add your SSH_KEY as docker secret:

abra app secret insert <backupbot_name> ssh_key v1 """$(cat backupkey)

Attention: This command needs to be executed exactly as stated above, because it places a trailing newline at the end, if this is missing you will get the following error: Load key "/run/secrets/ssh_key": error in libcrypto

Restic REST server Storage

You can simply set the RESTIC_REPOSITORY variable to your REST server URL rest:http://host:8000/. If you access the REST server with a password rest:https://user:pass@host:8000/ you should hide the whole URL containing the password inside a secret. Uncomment these lines:


Add your REST server url as secret:

abra app secret insert <backupbot_name> restic_repo v1 "rest:https://user:pass@host:8000/"

The secret will overwrite the RESTIC_REPOSITORY variable.

See restic REST docs for more information.

Push notifications

It is possible to configure three push events, that may trigger on the backup cronjob. Those can be used to detect failures from mointoring systems. The events are:

  • start
  • success
  • fail

Using a Prometheus Push Gateway

A prometheus push gateway can be used by setting the following env variables:


Using custom URLs

The following env variables can be used to setup push notifications for backups. PUSH_URL_START is requested just before the backups starts, PUSH_URL_SUCCESS is only requested if the backup was successful and if the backup fails PUSH_URL_FAIL will be requested. Each variable is optional and independent of the other.


Push endpoint behind basic auth

Insert the basic auth secret abra app secret insert <backupbot_name> push_basicauth v1 "user:password"

Enable basic auth in the env file, by uncommenting the following line:



Run the cronjob that creates a backup, including the push notifications and docker logging: abra app cmd <backupbot_name> app run_cron

Create a backup of all apps:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup create

The apps to backup up need to be deployed

Create an individual backup:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup --host <target_app_name> create

Create a backup to a local repository:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup create -r /backups/restic

It is recommended to shutdown/undeploy an app before restoring the data

Restore the latest snapshot of all including apps:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup restore

Restore a specific snapshot of an individual app:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup --host <target_app_name> restore --snapshot <snapshot_id>

Show all snapshots:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup snapshots

Show all snapshots containing a specific app:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup --host <target_app_name> snapshots

Show all files inside the latest snapshot (can be very verbose):

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup ls

Show specific files inside a selected snapshot:

abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup ls --snapshot <snapshot_id> /var/lib/docker/volumes/

Download files from a snapshot:

filename=$(abra app run <backupbot_name> app -- backup download --snapshot <snapshot_id> --path <absolute_path>)
abra app cp <backupbot_name> app:$filename .

Run restic

abra app run <backupbot_name> app bash
restic snapshots

Recipe Configuration

Like Traefik, or swarm-cronjob, Backupbot II uses access to the Docker socket to read labels from running Docker Swarm services:

  1. Add ENABLE_BACKUPS=true to .env.sample

  2. Add backupbot labels to the compose file

        backupbot.backup: "${ENABLE_BACKUPS:-true}"
        backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "/ backup"
        backupbot.backup.volumes.db.path: "backup.sql" '/ restore'
        backupbot.backup.volumes.redis: "false"
  • backupbot.backup -- set to true to back up this service (REQUIRED)
    • this is the only required backup label, per default it will backup all volumes
  • backupbot.backup.volumes.<volume_name>.path -- only backup the listed relative paths from <volume_name>
  • backupbot.backup.volumes.<volume_name>: false -- exclude <volume_name> from the backup
  • backupbot.backup.pre-hook -- command to run before copying files
    • i.e. save all database dumps into the volumes
  • -- command to run after copying files
  • backupbot.restore.pre-hook -- command to run before restoring files
  • -- command to run after restoring files
    • i.e. read all database dumps from the volumes
  1. (Optional) add backup/restore scripts to the compose file
        - source: pg_backup
          target: /
          mode: 0555

    name: ${STACK_NAME}_pg_backup_${PG_BACKUP_VERSION}

Version the config file in


As in the above example, you can reference Docker Secrets, e.g. for looking up database passwords, by reading the files in /run/secrets directly.

Backupbot Development

  1. Copy modified into the container:
cp /tmp/; git stash; abra app cp <backupbot_name> /tmp/ app:/usr/bin/; git checkout main; git stash pop
  1. Testing stuff with the python interpreter inside the container:
abra app run <backupbot_name> app bash
cd /usr/bin/
from backupbot import *


  • App version: changes to (build a new image)

  • Co-op Cloud package version: changes to recipe.

      For example, starting with 1.0.0+2.0.0:
          "patch" change to recipe: 1.0.1+2.0.0
          "patch" change to increment both, so 1.1.0+2.0.1
                 because bumping the image version would result in a minor recipe release
