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For Maintainers
From the perspective of the recipe maintainer, backup/restore is just more
deploy: ...
labels. Tools can read these labels and then perform the
backup/restore logic.
Two of the current "blessed" options are, which both implement the [backupbot specification](link to spec)
is a recipe which gets deployed on the server, it can perform automatic backups.
Please see the README.md
for the full docs.
will read labels and store backups in ~/.abra/backups/...
It also provides an integration for backup-bot-two
How to Configure backups
Unless otherwise stated all labels should be added to the main service (which should be named app
- Enable backups for the recipe: You need to enable backups for the recipe by adding the following label:
- Decide wich volumes should be backed up: By default all volumes will be backed up. To disable a certain volume you can add the following label:
- Decide which path should be backed up on each volume By default all files get backed up for a volume. To only include certain paths you can add the following label:
Note: You can include multiple paths by providing a comma seperated list Note: All paths are specified relativ to the volume root
- Run commands before the backup For certain services like a database it is not reccomend to just backup files, because the backup might end up in a corrupted state. Instead it is reccomended to make a database dump. You can run arbitrary commands in any container before the files are backed up. To do this add the following label to the service on which you want the command being run:
backupbot.backup.pre-hook=mysqldump -u root -pghost ghost --tab /var/lib/foo
- Run commands after the backup Sometimes you want to clean up after the backup. You can run arbitrary commands in any container after the files were backed up. To do this add the following label to the service on which you want the command being run:
backupbot.backup.post-hook=rm -rf /var/lib/mysql-files/*
Testing the backup
To test that your backup is configured correctly you can deploy the recipe you are working on in a test app either [locally](link to local server deployment) or on a test server.
After the deployment is succesfull run the backup and inspect its content
abra app backup myrecipe.example.com
tar -tf ~/.abra/backups/mybackup
When restoring an app, it takes the files from a backup and copies them to their correct location.
In the case of restoring database tables, you can use the pre-hook
& post-hook
commands to run the insertion logic.
Pre and Post hooks
To back up some services correctly it involves more than just copying a few files from one location to another. Some services already have specific backup tools that allow taking a coherent snapshot of its data like mysqldump
The pre and post hooks can be used to prepare the files which should get backed up and clean up afterwards.
Here are some examples:
Example 1: Execute simple command
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "echo 'foo' > /path/to/volume/bar.txt
Example 2: Access environment variable
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "cat $${POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE}"
Example 3: Access secret
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "cat /var/run/secrets/mysupersecret"
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: 'mysqldump -p"$$(cat /run/secrets/mysupersecret)" mydatabase'
Example 4: Complex script
Sometimes the logic to backup up a service can get quite complex. In that case it might be easier to add a script (via mount or config) inside the container and call that from the pre and post hook:
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "/scripts/my-pre-backup-scripts"
backupbot.backup.post-hook: "/scripts/my-post-backup-scripts"
Configuration Examples
image: mariadb
- "mariadb:/var/lib/mysql"
backupbot.backup: "true"
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "sh -c 'mariadb-dump --single-transaction -u root -p\"$$(cat /run/secrets/db_root_password)\" wordpress | gzip > /var/lib/mysql/dump.sql.gz'"
backupbot.backup.volume.mariadb.path: "dump.sql.gz"
backupbot.backup.post-hook: "rm -f /var/lib/mysql/dump.sql.gz"
backupbot.restore: "true"
backupbot.restore.post-hook: "sh -c 'gzip -d /var/lib/mysql/dump.sql.gz && mariadb -u root -p\"$$(cat /run/secrets/db_root_password)\" wordpress < /var/lib/mysql/dump.sql && rm -f /var/lib/mysql/dump.sql'"
version: '3.8'
image: "postgres"
- "postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
- db_password
backupbot.backup: "true"
backupbot.backup.pre-hook: "PGPASSWORD=$$(cat $${POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE}) pg_dump -U $${POSTGRES_USER} $${POSTGRES_DB} > /var/lib/postgresql/data/backup.sql"
backupbot.backup.post-hook: "rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql/data/backup.sql"
backupbot.backup.volume.postgres.path: "backup.sql"