custodisco-kiosk/description for gpt.txt

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hi. I wonder if you could write a python program for me. The program is a kiosk with a number of different screens. In addition to the buttons described below, each screen also needs a home button in the top left that returns to Screen 0 as well as a back button in the bottom left that goes to the previous screen. Below I've detailed each screen, please generate the corresponding full screen (1366 by 768 resolution) python program:
Screen 0: this is the title screen it has 2 buttons: create Item and Lookup Item. Create Item goes to Screen 1 and Lookup Item goes to Screen 14.
Screen 1: this screen has 2 buttons, Yes and No I Want to Make One Now. Yes goes to Screen 2, No I Want to Make One Now goes to Screen 7.
Screen 2: this screen contains a list that can be scrolled through and once an item from the list a Done button can be selected. The Done button goes to Screen 3.
Screen 3: this screen contains a live video feed from the webcam. There is a button, Take Photo, which causes a 3-2-1 countdown to appear and then the camera video feed is frozen. Once a photo has been taken in this way the Continue button may be pressed which takes us to Screen 5.
Screen 5: this screen contains a text box where the user can enter text. Once any text has been entered a Done button may be pressed which goes to Screen 8.
Screen 6: this screen contains some text and a button that says "I Understand" which goes to Screen 3.
Screen 7: this screen contains a texbox where a user can enter text. Once any text has been entered a Done button may be pressed which goes to Screen 6.
Screen 8: this screen has a rectangle (whose shape is of the ratio 2.25:1.25) where the user can draw. There is 1 button, Done, which when pressed goes to Screen 11.
Screen 9: this screen contains a text box which the user can enter text into. Once any text is entered they may click the Done button which takes us to Screen 10.
Screen 10: this screen says "thank you!" and has a big done button which goes to Screen 0.
Screen 11: this screen has 2 buttons, Sticker and Tag. A printType variable needs to be stored depending on which button is pressed. Both buttons take us to Screen 10.
Screen 12: this screen has 2 buttons, Re-print Tag, which takes us to Screen 8, and Post Update, which takes us to Screen 9.
Screen 14: this screen shows a live video feed. Once a QR code has been detected on the video, the QR code is decoded and stored to a variable. Then the screen changes to Screen 12.
thanks so much!